If you are anything like me, you have a whole bucket list of things that you need to accomplish before you believe that you can be happy. It could be a better job, or a nicer house. It is easy to fill in the blank, “If only I ______________, then I would be happy.” But it is just this kind of thinking that keeps us stuck in a cycle of stress and unhappiness.
Happiness isn’t about the external circumstances we find ourselves in. It isn’t about the things we accomplished or the people who are in our life. It is an inner set point that allows us to accept and appreciate ourselves and our lives, just the way they are.
All of the obstacles that are stopping us from being happy are within ourselves.
So, if you aren’t happy now, ask yourself, “What do I need to have happen before I believe that I deserve happiness now?” Whatever comes up are beliefs that you can change if you choose to.
The next question, “Why am I holding onto beliefs that are stopping me from being happy?”
And then let go of all those things that you choose to stop carrying around.
And you too can be happy now.